Algonquin District Commissioner's Award of Excellence - nominate by 5/8/24

Purpose: To recognize up to three adult leaders or adult volunteers per unit who provided outstanding service to their Scout Unit this past year and have not received appropriate recognition. The individual(s) nominated will be among those persons whose help is essential to your unit’s success. This award recognizes the quiet contribution they make.

Recognition: All recipients will be awarded a special certificate of accomplishment from the Algonquin District Commissioner at the Annual District Awards Dinner. (Thursday, June 13, 2024, Algonquin District Awards BBQ)

Process: A Unit may nominate up to three individuals each year. The Unit Commissioner in conjunction with input from the Cub/ScoutMaster/Crew Adviser or Committee Chairman will select the recipients for a specific scout unit. A couple, as in husband and wife, may be nominated together and this would count as two people. The nominees do not have to be registered Scouters. They may be Scouters, parents or just friends of the Unit.

Rationale: The Commissioner’s Award of Excellence has been established to recognize current volunteer service. Nominees are encouraged to be present at the District Awards BBQ to receive the award but do not need to be in attendance to receive the recognition. It is hoped a Pack, Troop, Crew or Post will send its recipients as guests of the Unit to the dinner accompanied by a suitable group of unit volunteers to honor their Unit’s recipients.

The Fillable Nomination Form must be completed and received by the Algonquin District, % Bill Langham, no later than May 8, 2024.