Good morning, leaders. See the following note from Michael Wellington at Explorer Post 77 Port Chester. Anyone seeking first aid training for their unit, or anyone planning a high adventure trip, please get in touch with Michael:
Good afternoon,
As an Explorer Post, our mission differs from our district’s traditional units. Post 77’s mission is “Career Exploration in the Fields of Healthcare and Emergency Services. That said, our Post wishes to contribute to our district. With that in mind, we want to offer training and support as an EMS Explorer Post. We are a training center for all levels, from non-certification talks to Advanced Life Support. If any units are looking to have a CPR/AED, First Aid, Stop the Bleed, Narcan Training, Wilderness First Aid or a Merit Badge Class, we are happy to help make it happen. I am a registered counselor for the merit badges so the classes can be run with Scoutbook or the blue cards, whichever is easier for the unit. All of our classes have our Explorers teaching next to credentialed instructors. Our chartered organization is a non-profit and we will only charge if there are expenses for us to run the classes. For example, merit badge classes will be gratis but if there is certification, materials, etc that need to be purchased, then we will charge accordingly.
This January we are running the ECSI Wilderness First Aid Course which meets BSA High Adventure Base standards; it is the partnered program between BSA and ECSI. We currently have 9 seats open in the class. The flyer for the class is attached.
In short, we are a non-traditional unit, but we want to be a contributing district member to the extent appropriate.
Yours in Scouting,
Michael Wellington
EMS Training Coordinator & Post 77 Advisor
Port Chester - Rye - Rye Brook EMS
417 Ellendale Ave, Port Chester, NY 10573
(914) 939-8112 - Work
(203) 561-0053 - Cell